
August 10 & 11, 2025, Jacob’s Cattle (Americana Jazz) the Rex Jazz & Blues Bar, Toronto

May 31, 2025, with the Brian Alexander Trio, Final Decision Record Store, Taipei, Taiwan

May 23, 2025, The Roy Patterson Quartet, Sappho Live Jazz, Taipei, Taiwan

May 17, 2025, the Roy Patterson Trio, Marsalis Bar, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

April 8, 2025, the Roy Patterson Trio, The Hirut Cafe, Toronto: Roy Patterson-g, Paul Novotny-b, Norbert Botos-d (

February 4, 2025, Intercurrents, The Hirut Cafe, Toronto: BrianDickinson-piano/Roy Patterson-guitar play music from the two Bill Evans/Jim Hall records: Undercurrent and Intermodulation (

July 21 & 22, 2024, Jacob’s Cattle, the Rex Jazz & Blues Bar, Toronto (Roy-guitar, Andrew Downing-bass, Aline Homzy-violin, and Mike Eckert-pedal steel & dobro)

July 7, 2024, Jacob’s Cattle, Hirut Cafe, Jazz Americana/Modern Roots series (Roy-guitar, Andrew Downing-bass, Aline Homzy-violin, and Mike Eckert-pedal steel & dobro

March 19, 2024, Roy Patterson Trio, Hirut Cafe, Guitar Masters Series (Terry Clarke-drums, Paul Novotney-bass, Roy-guitar)

Dec.17 & 18, 2023, Jacob’s Cattle, The Rex Hotel, Toronto, Ontario

Dec. 12, 2023, Roy Patterson Trio, Hirut Cafe, “Guitar Masters Series” Toronto, Ontario

April 30 & May 1, 2023 The Rex Jazz & Blues Bar w/ Jacob’s Cattle

March 2, 2023 York University, Martin Family Lounge, Jazz at Noon series 12:30-1:30 PM w/ Organomix

Dec. 20, 2022 Annette Studios, Roy Patterson’s String Band (live show and live-stream)

Dec. 18 & 19, 2022 Jacob’s Cattle, The Rex Jazz & Blues Bar

Nov. 12, 2022 Roy Patterson Trio, Hirut Cafe, Toronto

Oct. 20, 2022 Roy Patterson String Trio, Hirut Cafe, Toronto

Sept. 30, 2022 Organomix, FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario

August 27, 2022 Organomix, Cat’s Caboose, St. Catharines, Ontario 4 PM

August 26, 2022 Organomix (Lonnie Liston Smith Tribute) Niagara Jazz festival, St Catharine’s, Ontario (POSTPONED)

August 13, 2022, Organomix, Cat’s Caboose, St. Catharine’s, Ontario 4 PM

June 30, 2022 Organomix, Cat’s Caboose, St. Cathrine’s, Ontario 4 PM

June 24, 2022 Roy Patterson’s String Band, TD Niagara Jazz Festival, Henry of Pelham Winery, 12 noon

June 23, 2022 Roy Patterson’s String Band at the Hirut Cafe, Danforth Ave, Toronto 8 PM

All shows cancelled for the remainder of 2020 due to the pandemic. Be safe everyone; wearing a mask really does help preventing the spread. See you on the other side of this dreadful period.

June 4, Roy Patterson Trio, Jazz Bistro, Toronto, Ontario

May 3, 2020, w/Sundar Viswanathan; Bossas & Ballads, Twilight Jazz Series, St. Catharines, Ontario

April 6, 2020, Organomics (organ/drums/guitar), house concert, St. Catharines, Ontario

March 22, 2020 Jacob’s Cattle w/ special guest Aline Homzy-violin, The Rex Jazz and Blues Bar, Toronto

February 23, 2020, Niagara Guitar Festival, Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario

Feb.1, 14, 29, & March 13, 2020,  with the Henry Strong Duo, Cavelo Nero, Ancaster, Ontario

May 5, 2019 Jacob’s Cattle w/ special guest, Aline Homzy, The Rex Hotel, Jazz & Blues Bar, Toronto, Ont. 9:30 PM

March 2, 2019, w/ Henry Strong, Cavello Nero, Ancaster, Ont. 6 PM

March 3, 2019, Glendon Smith Trio, Twilight Jazz Series, Mahtay Cafe, St. Catharines, Ont., 6 PM

March 8, 2019, Intercurrents (with Brian Dickinson, piano; music from Bill Evans and Jim Hall) the Home Smith Bar, Toronto, 7:30-10:30

Feb. 17, 2019, Niagara Jazz Guitar Festival, Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Ont. 2 PM (honoring Warren Stirtzinger)

Feb.7 2019, John Sherwood Quartet, Home Smith Bar, Toronto 7:30-10:30

Dec. 16, 2018, Organomics (Randy Stirtzinger (organ) Graham Lear (drums) Roy Patterson (guitar) at Corks in Niagara on the Lake 7:oo PM

Nov. 8, 2018 Jacob’s Cattle at York University, Jazz at Noon Series

Nov. 4, 2018, Jacob’s Cattle at the Rex Jazz and Blues Bar, Toronto

Aug. 11 & 25, 2018, w/the Randy Stirtzinger Organ Trio at the Cat’s Kitchen, Niagara Falls, Ontario

July 14, 2018, w/ the Randy Stirtrzinger Organ Trio at the Cat’s Kitchen, Niagara Falls, Ontario

June 16, 2018,  Tim Brady;s 100 guitar project; While 100 Guitars Gently Weep: Concerto for George (Harrison) Luminato Festival, Toronto

June 25, 2018,  Jacob’s Cattle at the TD Toronto Jazz Festival

March, 22, 2018 w/Brian Dickinson (piano & guitar duo playing music recorded by Bill Evans and Jim Hall) White Oaks Resort and Spa – 253 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON

April 28, 2018, Roy Patterson Trio at the Home Smith Bar, Toronto, Ontario

April 29, 2018, Jacob’s Cattle at the Rex Jazz and Blues Bar, Toronto, Ontario

Dec. 31, 2017, w/Henry Strong at Cavallo Nero, Ancaster, Ontario, 5-10 PM

Oct. 29, 2017, Jacob’s Cattle at the Rex Jazz and Blues Bar, Toronto, Ontario

Nov. 2,2017, Jacob’s Cattle at the Moonshine Cafe in Oakville, Ontario

June 3, 2017, Roy Patterson Trio w/ Don Thompson and Terry Clarke at the Home Smith Bar, Toronto

May 14, 2017, Jacob’s Cattle at the Rex in Toronto

Dec.30, 2016, Jacob’s Cattle at Uncorked on Main, Georgetown

Dec. 22, 2016, Jacob’s Cattle at the Moonshine Cafe in Oakville

Dec. 11,2016, Jacob’s Cattle at the Rex Jazz and Blues Bar, Toronto

July 2, 2016, Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival, Little Theatre 7 & 9:15 PM

June 19, 2016, Jacob’s Cattle at The Moonshine Cafe in Oakville, Ontario

May 1, 2016, Jacob’s Cattle at the Rex Jazz and Blues Bar, Toronto

June 4, 2015 The Masque, 15 Hess St. South, Hamilton, jazz duo  w/Jillian Mckenna on bass (8PM)

June 7, 2015, Jacob’s Cattle at the Rex jazz and Blues bar in Toronto (9:30PM)

June 11, 2015, The Masque, 15 Hess St. South, Hamilton, jazz duo w/Joel Banks on bass (8PM)

June 17, 2015, Cat & Fiddle, Hamilton 

July 5, 2014, Jacob’s Cattle  at Artword Artbar in Hamilton, Ontario

Nov. 23, 2014, Jacob’s Cattle at the Rex Jazz and Blues Bar, Toronto